A digital garden is a place for thoughts, knowledge and ideas to grow.
Reminds me of a second brain, PKM (personal knowledge management system), life wiki, Zettelkasten, all those bigs words. But there is something distinctly cute uwu about the notion of a digital garden.
The main reference for what a digital garden is comes from Maggie Appleton. I will not follow the original ethos to the T, but it’s a very nice read nonetheless.
For me, the main pull towards maintaining a digital garden is that it’s not as intensive as a blog. As outlined in Maggie’s writing, a blog requires you to do all of this background research before eventually deciding to release a perfectly manicured opinion to the internet, exerting your intellectual authority onto all who pass through your site. A digital garden acknowledges that learning is ongoing, and that we will never know everything, or anything, in its entirety.
Some inspiration
Zettels theme
A website with a nice “all articles” page (the ability to multi-select tags at the top, like Maggie Appleton’s website)
Useful articles to look at later
- https://www.mtsolitary.com/20210329232300-mt-solitary-stack/#mt-dot-solitary-stack (uses hugo book and does nice stuff)
- https://maggieappleton.com/garden-history
- https://rishikeshs.com/build-a-digital-garden/
- https://wiki.nikiv.dev/other/wiki-workflow#similar-wikis-i-liked
- https://wiki.nikiv.dev/web/static-sites/hugo
- https://tomcritchlow.com/blogchains/digital-gardens/
- https://notes.andymatuschak.org/z4SDCZQeRo4xFEQ8H4qrSqd68ucpgE6LU155C Andy Matuschak on Evergreen notes https://medium.com/analytics-vidhya/how-i-put-my-mind-under-version-control-24caea37b8a5
Nice examples: