(sorry my terimnology may be all wrong when it gets to git-related things)
- editing
- do whatever adding posts, changing taxonomies, etc.
- test as needed with
hugo server -D
as necessary (loads site athttp://localhost:1313/
without comments to avoid duplicate Disqus entries as specified I think in mycomments.html
- when ready to update live site
- empty
except for.git
- build static files with
hugo -t papermod
- do github things
- create new branch for
submodule asYYMMDD
- stage all changes
- commit
- publish branch
- create pull request
- merge with main
- resolve any errors in VSCode if necessary (often with my clumsy coding skills is necessary)
- delete branch on GitHub
- delete branch locally on VSCode
- checkout? to main branch and sync with remote main
- create new branch for
- repeat “do github things” with
repo - check site is live
- record any errors that may have happened
- empty
I need to
add comments with Disqus make a stubs page??
- BACKLINKS??? lol I have a death wish
- a search with filters like hugo tania or Maggie Appleton’s website would be cool
an option to see my posts related to any book of the bible, maybeseach book of the bible to have its own page that displays a list of all related notes and my own content written about it
- also don’t generate pages for these?? I would just want to be able to filter through tags and such, don’t need a page per tag or anything
- actually I may need to redact this, because it’s kind of nice to have those since I cannot figure out backlinks for the life of me
ordering by last tended, not by date planted: I now know how to do this- proper implementation of horticultural extended metaphor ?? or figure out my own metaphor (but plants are nice)
- add relative dates to meta
make maths work on the site AAAAAincrease list indentationif I make sublists there’s like additional spacing below the last one- a bit
- like this here
- this ^, so I need to figure out what’s going on
- r.e. above I figured it out but like it’s not quite fixed, but I made the
ul, ol
thingos withmargin = 16px
, i.e. font size of website, and it did happy things. - OK with brute force I think I fixed it finally so NICE thanks to
- a bit
- side-by-side images?? I try the solution but there might be something in my CSS that botches this up.
- blockquotes in lists
they do not play nice. I mean, look at that spacing? :(
footnotes bleed into meta1. Due to poor placement of post metaon that, I’ve been formatting footnotes incorrectly lol.Also, on notes likejudging-loving
, the meta spacing is influenced by spacing with the nav buttons. This was a result of poor placement of my post meta, but it’s fixed now
- favicon broken when moved into a different folder under
- I have moved the site web manifest into the folder with the favicons, it wasn’t there before
- if this fixes it, I will revert changes I made in my
file as specified further below
- if this fixes it, I will revert changes I made in my
- next attempt at quick fix: move it back to where it was when it worked lol
- I have moved the site web manifest into the folder with the favicons, it wasn’t there before
- nested tags??
- css for code blocks (see end of page)
- for different languages
- text
- html
- css
- latex
- R
- python
- markdown
- for different languages
- Emoji support
here is something else that isn’t nice
here is a list
- and a subpoint
- and another
and when I put another list below it with a space
- it’s gonna get
- kinda hairy because the spacing gets really weird between the parent and subpoint
idk what to do
here’s me trying more stuff
- and another indent
Changelog and lessons learned
I already have broken my website.
I started with hugo new post/
to create my first post, and then tried to change the folder “post” to “posts”, added a second file with hugo new posts/
, and now it’s not showing up on my website. lol.
Thanks to this video for the setup guide tho And I think I used for inspo.
I am a bit unnerved by the fact that he doesn’t merge to the main branch via a pull request and instead commits straight to the main branch. I am 99% sure that is bad git practice.
I started with the PaperMod theme, and then tried using PaperModX for a bit, and then decided to switch back to PaperMod because 1. I figured out how to better use Hugo and 2. PaperModX had too many bugs for me.
To build my site, need to use hugo -t PaperMod
(or instead of PaperMod
, the current website theme).
To customise CSS and HTML of a theme, you should override these rather than edit the themes files directly. The PaperMod files of my website were downloaded onto my laptop and edited directly, which I shouldn’t have done. For HTML, images, etc., you can create a new file in the folders of your actual site, rather than the theme’s folders. For example, to overwrite head.html
stored in /my-site/themes/theme-name/layout/partials/
you can copy that file into something like /my-site/layouts/partials/
and then the content of that file will overwrite the original file. This is especially important if you have cloned a repository (but that’s kinda of obvious, right?). To do that but for CSS, I am referencing Banjo Code.
Had to do this too
Did this
Changed markdown to render HTML with by changing goldmark renderer to unsafe = true
In head.html
, changed something about favicon stuff because I moved my favicon files elsewhere and my website does not like it so seeing if this fixes it.
{{/* <link rel="icon" href="{{ .Site.Params.assets.favicon | default "favicon.ico" | absURL }}">
-> <link rel="icon" href="{{ .Site.Params.assets.favicon | absURL }}">
Unsure how to nest functions in hugo yet.
Added URLS to the books of Bible overview pages so that instead of /46-1-corinthians/
being the end of the URL, it’s just /1-corinthians/ Doesn’t cause clashes with /booksofbible/1-corinthians/
Actually, now I’ve changed it so that /1-corinthians/
links to a page that displays every page that hasthe 1-corinthians
term in the booksofbible
key, and I’ve added a custom
to each directory \content\booksofbible\BOOKNAME\
so that I can put my overview of each book of the bible there. I think chapters of the bible would make it too messy, but I think I could try and implement that in future. Unfortunately, I don’t think Hugo has sub-taxonomies. Also, each booksofbible
term now is a weighted page.
Light to dark mode logo swap from
and then
--- themes\PaperMod\layouts\partials\footer.html 2022-07-18 09:47:47.635823100 -0700
+++ layouts\partials\footer.html 2022-07-15 13:59:02.482056200 -0700
@@ -75,9 +75,11 @@
if (document.body.className.includes("dark")) {
localStorage.setItem("pref-theme", 'light');
+ document.getElementById("siteLogo").src = "/images/pushblue-dark.png";
} else {
localStorage.setItem("pref-theme", 'dark');
+ document.getElementById("siteLogo").src = "/images/pushblue-light.png";
--- themes\PaperMod\layouts\partials\header.html 2022-07-18 09:47:47.635823100 -0700
+++ layouts\partials\header.html 2022-07-15 13:59:02.482056200 -0700
@@ -63,13 +63,35 @@
<img src="{{ $img.Permalink }}" alt="logo" aria-label="logo"
height="{{- site.Params.label.iconHeight | default "30" -}}">
{{- else }}
- <img src="{{- site.Params.label.icon | absURL -}}" alt="logo" aria-label="logo"
+ <img id="siteLogo" src="{{- site.Params.label.icon | absURL -}}" alt="logo" aria-label="logo"
height="{{- site.Params.label.iconHeight | default "30" -}}">
+ <script>
+ if (document.body.className.includes("dark")) {
+ document.getElementById("siteLogo").src = "/images/pushblue-light.png";
+ }
+ </script>
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
does the trick
And while we’re at it, push blue brings up a good point in that the nav seems backwards. this2 makes it so that the right arrow goes to the future and the left arrow goes to the past.
--- themes\PaperMod\layouts\partials\post_nav_links.html 2022-07-18 09:47:47.635823100 -0700
+++ layouts\partials\post_nav_links.html 2022-07-18 09:56:20.596032400 -0700
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
{{- $pages := where site.RegularPages "Type" "in" site.Params.mainSections }}
{{- if and (gt (len $pages) 1) (in $pages . ) }}
<nav class="paginav">
- {{- with $pages.Next . }}
+ {{- with $pages.Prev . }}
<a class="prev" href="{{ .Permalink }}">
<span class="title">A« {{ i18n "prev_page" }}</span>
<span>{{- .Name -}}</span>
{{- end }}
- {{- with $pages.Prev . }}
+ {{- with $pages.Next . }}
<a class="next" href="{{ .Permalink }}">
<span class="title">{{ i18n "next_page" }} A»</span>
Trying to get the site back up and I seem to have hit a road block where the page just doesn’t have any sort of styling occuring. Above, I discussed that when this happened last (I assume this is for the same issue), I…
Had to do this too
Now, I think I will use the head.html
file from the newest version of Papermod with the following code in my config.yaml
disableFingerprinting: true
Example (fixed) ↩︎ ↩︎