Ah, \(\LaTeX\). I pronounce it as “lay-tech” or “lah-tech”, never “lay-tex”. Every math girl’s dream.
- MiKTeX for building TeX
- [[VSCode]] as text editor
- I have Strawberry Perl and I think it’s related to LaTeX but I honestly Don’t Remember why
- ah ok I think based on this article, Using Latexmk, you need Perl to run
, a Perl script, “If you use cross-references, you often have to run LaTeX more than once, if you use BibTeX for your bibliography or if you want to have a glossary you even need to run external programs in-between.”- I have used bibtex so this makes sense
- ah ok I think based on this article, Using Latexmk, you need Perl to run
- [[GitHub]] for any big boy projects or things I want to share
Quick links
- The Comprehensive LATEX Symbol List | Scott Pakin | 5 May 2021, I think this is what I normally refer to http://tug.ctan.org/info/symbols/comprehensive/symbols-a4.pdf
- LATEX 2ε Cheat Sheet, a shorter pdf https://wch.github.io/latexsheet/latexsheet.pdf
- Math mode - v. 2.47, a FAT pdf https://mirror.aarnet.edu.au/pub/CTAN/obsolete/info/math/voss/mathmode/Mathmode.pdf
- Standard Document Classes for LATEX version 2e https://www.latex-project.org/help/documentation/classes.pdf
- How I’m able to take notes in mathematics lectures using LaTeX and Vim by Gilles Castel at https://castel.dev/post/lecture-notes-1/
Skills ??
- BiBTeX
- include and large projects
- math typesetting
[[2022-09-11]] Detailed text placement over images in tex